Spring 2020
18 North Main-Corydon
Winnipeg Transit Routes (Spring 2020)
18 North Main-Corydon (, Both Ways)

General Map Controls:

Map Day of Week:

Map Bus Direction:

Map Time:
Cur. Map Time: Loading...

Buses in Service: Loading...

Weekday Saturday Sunday
05:31-26:03 (20:32) 05:46-26:03 (20:17) 06:36-24:42 (18:06)

Weekday to Garden City/RiverbendWeekday to Corydon
Saturday to Garden City/RiverbendSaturday to Corydon
Sunday to Garden City/RiverbendSunday to Corydon

Runs (Rush-Hr Run):
Weekday Saturday Sunday
17-5 (05:41-09:33) 18-1 (04:00-26:15) 18-1 (06:23-24:51)
18-1 (05:25-08:47) 18-2 (05:22-26:13) 18-2 (06:30-24:40)
18-2 (05:33-19:00) 18-3 (05:36-20:50) 18-3 (06:34-24:51)
18-3 (05:47-08:06) 18-4 (05:46-18:48) 18-4 (06:45-24:55)
18-4 (05:47-19:23) 18-5 (05:49-19:53) 18-5 (07:00-21:26)
18-5 (05:49-08:54) 18-6 (05:58-19:57) 18-6 (09:44-24:31)
18-6 (05:51-26:05) 18-7 (06:11-22:40)
18-7 (05:55-08:26) 18-8 (08:19-26:16)
18-8 (05:59-08:27) 18-9 (09:14-25:53)
18-9 (06:15-08:37) 18-10 (09:26-26:02)
18-10 (06:22-26:13)
18-11 (06:36-08:48)
18-12 (06:38-09:38)
18-13 (06:39-08:35)
18-14 (06:58-18:53)
18-15 (06:59-27:45)
18-16 (07:00-18:18)
18-17 (07:08-09:14)
18-18 (07:21-22:41)
18-19 (07:27-25:49)
18-20 (07:29-25:58)
18-21 (07:39-17:05)
18-22 (14:56-17:29)
18-23 (14:56-18:06)
18-24 (15:01-17:16)
18-25 (15:03-27:50)
18-26 (15:08-19:31)
18-27 (15:11-22:28)
18-28 (15:23-17:41)
18-29 (15:26-18:03)

Route Combinations:
Outbound Inbound
Corydon at Edgeland - Garden City via Jefferson (45) Garden City - Corydon at Edgeland (50)
Corydon at Edgeland - Riverbend (30) Riverbend - Corydon at Edgeland (28)
Corydon at Cambridge East - Garden City via Jefferson (12) Garden City - Corydon at Cambridge West (8)
Osborne Junction - Garden City via Jefferson (3) Main at Henry - Corydon at Edgeland (3)
Corydon at Cambridge East - James (Concert Hall) (3) Riverbend - Corydon at Cambridge West (2)
Main at McAdam - Garden City via Jefferson (2) Garden City - Main at McAdam (2)
Corydon at Cambridge East - Riverbend (2) Riverbend - Main at Pioneer (1)
Corydon at Edgeland - Margaret Loop (2) Riverbend - Main at McAdam (1)
Corydon at Edgeland - James (Concert Hall) (1)
Zoo Loop - Garden City via Jefferson (23) Riverbend - Zoo Loop (24)
Zoo Loop - Riverbend (23) Garden City - Zoo Loop (23)
Corydon at Edgeland - Garden City via Jefferson (13) Garden City - Corydon at Edgeland (13)
Corydon at Edgeland - Riverbend (13) Riverbend - Corydon at Edgeland (12)
Corydon at Edgeland - Margaret Loop (2) Main at Henry - Corydon at Edgeland (1)
Corydon at Edgeland - James (Concert Hall) (1) Margaret Loop - Corydon at Edgeland (1)
Osborne Junction - Margaret Loop (1) Riverbend - Main at Pioneer (1)
Riverbend - Main at McAdam (1)
Garden City - Main at McAdam (1)
William (City Hall) - Zoo Loop (1)
Zoo Loop - Riverbend (16) Riverbend - Zoo Loop (16)
Zoo Loop - Garden City via Jefferson (15) Garden City - Zoo Loop (15)
Corydon at Edgeland - Garden City via Jefferson (8) Garden City - Corydon at Edgeland (9)
Corydon at Edgeland - Riverbend (6) Riverbend - Corydon at Edgeland (7)
Corydon at Edgeland - Margaret Loop (2) Margaret Loop - Corydon at Edgeland (2)
Osborne Junction - Garden City via Jefferson (1) William (City Hall) - Corydon at Edgeland (1)
Osborne Junction - Riverbend (1) Margaret Loop - Main at Pioneer (1)
Corydon at Edgeland - James (Concert Hall) (1)


Filter Lines on Map:
Outbound Inbound

10066 Northbound Osborne at Osborne Junction
10068 Southbound Pembina at Osborne Junction
10125 Westbound Corydon at Harrow
10126 Eastbound Corydon at Stafford
10127 Westbound Corydon at Stafford
10128 Eastbound Corydon at Wentworth
10129 Westbound Corydon at Wentworth
10130 Eastbound Corydon at Lilac
10140 Westbound Corydon at Lilac
10141 Eastbound Corydon at Arbuthnot
10142 Westbound Corydon at Arbuthnot
10143 Eastbound Corydon at Cockburn
10144 Westbound Corydon at Cockburn
10145 Eastbound Corydon at Hugo
10146 Westbound Corydon at Hugo
10147 Eastbound Corydon at Daly
10148 Westbound Corydon at Daly
10149 Westbound Corydon at Nassau
10150 Eastbound Corydon at Nassau
10171 Northbound Osborne at River
10172 Southbound Osborne at River
10185 Southbound Osborne at Wardlaw
10186 Northbound Osborne at Stradbrook
10595 Northbound Osborne at Assiniboine
10596 Northbound Osborne at Broadway (Legislature)
10598 Southbound Osborne at York
10599 Southbound Osborne at Broadway (Legislature)
10600 Southbound Osborne at Granite
10607 Northbound Osborne at York
10611 Eastbound Graham at Fort (Wpg Square)
10612 Westbound Graham at Garry (Wpg Square)
10614 Westbound Graham at Donald (Bell MTS Place)
10615 Eastbound Graham at Smith
10616 Eastbound Graham at Hargrave
10617 Westbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB)
10618 Eastbound Graham at Edmonton (RWB)
10619 Westbound Graham at Vaughan (The Bay)
10627 Northbound Main at Pioneer
10628 Northbound Main at McDermot
10629 Northbound Main at James (Concert Hall)
10630 Northbound Main at Logan
10631 Northbound Main at Higgins
10632 Southbound Main at Henry
10633 Southbound Main at Alexander
10634 Southbound Main at James
10635 Southbound Main at William (City Hall)
10636 Southbound Main at McDermot
10638 Southbound Main at Pioneer
10703 Northbound Vaughan at St. Mary
10704 Northbound Vaughan at Graham (The Bay)
10840 Southbound Vaughan at St. Mary
30009 Southbound Main at Red River
30010 Southbound Main at Woodbine
30011 Northbound Main at Park Manor
30012 Southbound Main at Park Manor
30013 Southbound Main at Murray
30014 Northbound Main at Murray
30015 Southbound Main at Chief Peguis
30016 Northbound Main at Foley
30017 Northbound Main at Seaforth
30018 Southbound Main at Seaforth
30019 Northbound Main at Margaret
30022 Southbound Main at Templeton
30023 Northbound Main at Kildonan Park
30024 Southbound Main at Kildonan Park
30025 Northbound Main at Armstrong
30026 Southbound Main at Armstrong
30028 Northbound Main at Leila
30029 Southbound Main at Leila
30031 Northbound Main at Royal
30032 Southbound Main at Forrest
30033 Northbound Main at Burrin
30034 Southbound Main at Burrin
30035 Northbound Main at Kilbride
30036 Southbound Main at Kilbride
30037 Southbound Main at Hartford
30038 Northbound Main at Hartford
30039 Southbound Main at St. Anthony
30040 Northbound Main at St. Anthony
30041 Westbound Jefferson at Main
30042 Eastbound Jefferson at Main
30043 Southbound Main at Jefferson
30044 Northbound Main at Seven Oaks
30045 Northbound Main at Rupertsland
30046 Southbound Main at Rupertsland
30047 Northbound Main at McAdam
30048 Southbound Main at McAdam
30051 Northbound Main at Lansdowne
30054 Southbound Main at Inkster
30055 Northbound Main at Inkster
30056 Northbound Main at Polson
30057 Southbound Main at Polson
30062 Northbound Main at Cathedral
30071 Southbound Main at Cathedral
30073 Southbound Main at Church
30074 Northbound Main at Church
30075 Northbound Main at Anderson
30076 Northbound Main at Mountain
30077 Southbound Main at Mountain
30080 Southbound Main at College
30081 Northbound Main at Boyd
30083 Southbound Main at Redwood
30085 Northbound Main at Aberdeen
30086 Southbound Main at Alfred
30087 Northbound Main at Burrows
30088 Southbound Main at Magnus
30089 Northbound Main at Manitoba
30091 Southbound Main at Selkirk
30092 Northbound Main at Selkirk
30094 Southbound Main at Dufferin
30095 Northbound Main at Euclid
30096 Southbound Main at Jarvis
30097 Northbound Main at Jarvis
30108 Westbound Jefferson at Aikins
30109 Eastbound Jefferson at Aikins
30139 Westbound Jefferson at Salter
30141 Eastbound Jefferson at Salter
30185 Westbound Jefferson at Powers
30186 Eastbound Jefferson at Powers
30187 Westbound Jefferson at Andrews
30219 Westbound Jefferson at McGregor
30222 Eastbound Jefferson at McGregor
30223 Westbound Jefferson at McKenzie
30224 Eastbound Jefferson at McKenzie
30225 Westbound Jefferson at Parr
30226 Eastbound Jefferson at Parr
30363 Westbound Leila at McPhillips East
30374 Southbound McPhillips at Leila
30375 Northbound McPhillips at Leila
30376 Eastbound Leila at McPhillips East
30379 Southbound Garden City Terminal at Garden City Centre (18)
30386 Northbound McPhillips at Kingsbury
30393 Southbound McPhillips at Kingsbury
30394 Southbound McPhillips at Canna
30395 Southbound McPhillips at Stardust
30397 Northbound McPhillips at Kingsbury South
30398 Northbound McPhillips at Stardust
30399 Westbound Jefferson at McPhillips East
30400 Westbound Jefferson at Fir
30401 Westbound Jefferson at Tulip
30402 Westbound Jefferson at Airlies West
30411 Westbound Jefferson at Airlies East
30412 Westbound Jefferson at Sinclair
30413 Westbound Jefferson at Teakwood
30414 Eastbound Jefferson at Teakwood
30416 Eastbound Jefferson at Sinclair
30417 Eastbound Jefferson at Airlies East
30418 Eastbound Jefferson at Airlies West
30419 Eastbound Jefferson at Tulip
30420 Eastbound Jefferson at Fir
30421 Eastbound Jefferson at McPhillips East
30534 Eastbound Jefferson at Andrews
30748 Southbound Margaret Loop at Margaret
30792 Westbound Red River at Main
30793 Westbound Red River at Crofters
30794 Northbound Vince Leah at Red River
30795 Northbound Vince Leah at Spruce Thicket
30796 Northbound Vince Leah at Ferngrove
30797 Northbound Red Maple at Vince Leah
30798 Eastbound Fernbank at Red Maple
30799 Eastbound Fernbank at Riverstone
30800 Eastbound Fernbank at Main
30801 Northbound Main at Chief Peguis South
30802 Southbound Main at Highland
30913 Southbound Main at Stella
30935 Northbound Main at Ridgecrest
60309 Westbound Corydon at Cambridge West
60311 Eastbound Corydon at Thurso
60312 Westbound Corydon at Thurso
60313 Westbound Corydon at Rockwood
60314 Eastbound Corydon at Rockwood
60315 Westbound Corydon at Wilton
60316 Eastbound Corydon at Wilton
60317 Eastbound Corydon at Guelph
60318 Westbound Corydon at Guelph
60319 Eastbound Corydon at Harrow
60369 Westbound Corydon at Waverley
60370 Eastbound Corydon at Waverley
60371 Westbound Corydon at Elm
60372 Eastbound Corydon at Elm
60373 Westbound Corydon at Ash
60374 Eastbound Corydon at Ash
60375 Westbound Corydon at Niagara
60376 Eastbound Corydon at Niagara
60377 Eastbound Corydon at Brock
60378 Westbound Corydon at Brock
60379 Westbound Corydon at Campbell
60380 Eastbound Corydon at Campbell
60381 Westbound Corydon at Lindsay
60382 Eastbound Corydon at Lindsay
60383 Westbound Corydon at Lanark
60384 Eastbound Corydon at Lanark
60385 Westbound Corydon at Centennial
60386 Eastbound Corydon at Centennial
60387 Westbound Corydon at Lockwood
60388 Eastbound Corydon at Lockwood
60436 Westbound Corydon at Kenaston
60438 Southbound Kenaston at Lockston
60439 Southbound Kenaston at Tuxedo South
60442 Eastbound Tuxedo at Kenaston
60453 Eastbound Tuxedo at Doncaster
60455 Westbound Corydon at Ubique
60457 Westbound Corydon at Doncaster
60458 Westbound Corydon at Edgeland
60460 Westbound Corydon at Southport
60462 Eastbound Corydon at Handsart
60463 Westbound Corydon at Handsart
60464 Eastbound Corydon at Lamont
60465 Westbound Corydon at Park
60466 Eastbound Corydon at Park
60467 Westbound Corydon at Kelvin
60468 Eastbound Corydon at Kelvin
60469 Westbound Corydon at Laidlaw
60470 Eastbound Corydon at Laidlaw
60471 Westbound Corydon at Shaftesbury (Assiniboine Park)
60472 Eastbound Corydon at Shaftesbury
60473 Westbound Roblin at Shaftesbury West
60474 Eastbound Roblin at Shaftesbury West
60475 Westbound Zoo at Zoo Loop
60691 Eastbound Corydon at Carpathia
60692 Eastbound Corydon at Cambridge East
60720 Northbound Tuxedo at Girton
60780 Eastbound Tuxedo at Edgeland